Sunday, October 16, 2011

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 5

Episode 5 got pretty dark, taking us deeper into the depths of the ancient curse. Klaus and company return to town, taking over the school after realizing that Stefan had been hiding the fact that Elena is still alive. Bonnie also comes home, just in time for her and Matt to walk into Klaus’ trap. He needs her to find a way around the curse so he can create more hybrids. To make sure Bonnie does as he wants, Klaus turns Tyler, giving her 20 minutes to find the answer, or Tyler dies. The problem is that Bonnie can no longer speak to the dead witches, cut out of the circle since she brought Jeremy back from the dead. But as Matt quickly reminds her… Jeremy can speak to the dead.

Problem number two, Katherine has kidnapped Jeremy for the same purpose, but with the defeat of Klaus as the goal. With a little persuasion from Damon, the ghost of Anna tells them of the one man Klaus fears… Michael, a vampire hunter that is himself a vampire.

Back at the school, unable to find Jeremy, Matt comes up with his own plan. With a weight chained to his waist, Matt jumps into the school pool, hoping that Bonnie’s CPR training is up for the task. The clock is ticking down, but not only Tyler’s life is at stake. Klaus forced Stefan to switch off his emotions, severing the only tie he still had with Elena, and when the clock reaches zero, Stefan is to feed on Elena. When zero minute comes, Matt is told by his sister that the old witch said the ganger must die. Bonnie tells Klaus, just as Stefan takes Elena as his snack.

Damon makes it back to find Klaus outside the hospital, where Elena is donating blood to the hybrid cause. Klaus was no idiot, he knew the witch hated him, and instead of killing Elena, he fed her blood to Tyler… Surprise, the transformation was successful. Damon once again confronts Klaus, and just as Klaus is about to send Damon packing from this world for the last time, Damon tells him about Michael. Klaus is gone in a blink. Damon retrieves Elena from the hospital, bringing her home. As things are getting cozy between them Stefan enters the room. Yep… Elena is once again under Stefan’s protection, only now it isn’t for love, but orders from Klaus.

The episode ends with Katherine waking Michael from where he had been entombed by a witch. Oh, did I forget to mention that Rebekah is intensely jealous of Elena, and more than willing to rip her throat out without pause.

The flow of this season seems much more intense then the last, darker, deadlier, and the cast is making the transition very well.

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