Sunday, April 15, 2012

Darkest Hour

When it comes to the Darkest Hour film I am going to keep it short and sweet. The film met it problems even before it’s completion, the 2010 wildfires in Russia held the production up, as well as filming conflicts, but the film was finished and hit the big screen by Dec. 25 2011 in the US. The box office wasn’t what it should have been, and I really don’t understand why. The film has plenty of action and will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The storyline is strong, and the cast was exceptionable. And the special effects were spectacular to say the least. The premise of the movie may be that of so many other science fiction flicks, alien invasion, but the movie itself is original. I have to give Darkest Hour 4 ½ stars and put it on my must see DVD list.

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