Both are filled with romance, and have danger lurking just out of sight, but in Diaries they face their foes head on with fangs bared. Rather it be Stefan, Damon, or Katherine, killing to protect and survive is second nature to them. Cross them and die. You can't say that about Edward or most of his family, killing is always a last resort. Sorry, that is just not true vampire style. I mean they have fangs for a reason, right?
Vampire diaries goes deeper into the supernatural realm then Twilight as well. There are not just vampires and werewolves, there are witches, vampire hunters, ghosts, and the ultimate predator, Klaus... a original that is half vampire, half werewolf. And to be honest, I personally think that the romance in Diaries is much deeper, and covers more than just the vampire lover teen and her vamp and werewolf. Vampire Diaries takes you into the life of each and every character, even the ones that don't stay around for more than a couple episodes.
I don't want to give the wrong impression here, I like the Twilight films, I liked the books, and yes I am ready for the next movie to come out. But, I have to say I am more excited about the new season of Vampire Diaries starting back up.
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