The second season of the Walking Dead is well under way, and looks to be even better then last season. The writing is exceptional as always, and the acting mirrors the writing. It still likes to keep us in suspense at the end of each episode. Sophia lost in the woods, alone, with walkers on the prowl. The group searches, no luck, but Rick, Shane, and Carl stay back, as the others go back to the highway. Everything seems like a wonderful story book adventure when a deer steps out from the brush, and Carl approaches it. The deer remains calm, allows him to near. Closer, closer the boy inches his way to the deer. Then just when you think he is going to be able to reach out and touch the deer, a bullet bursts through the deer's chest, and drives little Carl to the ground with a bleeding hole in his chest. The hunter stumbles out of the brush, shouting to take the boy to the farm. He spits out directions, Rick scoops his son's limp body into his arms, and runs... end episode. Now the boy lays dieing, fragments of the bullet in his chest, to deep for the vet to remove without putting the boy under, but they don't have the equipment. But, what they need is at the school. The problem? The school is invested with zombies. Shane volunteers to go to the school with the hunter, while Rick and Lori stay with their son. Rick can not go far, he needs to give blood to keep Carl alive.

Now we wait for tonight's episode. I for one am nearly chewing my nails.