Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SyFy does Christmas

Yep, every year Syfy channel has their own version of Christmas programing, and this years is no different. Last night they aired three series Christmas special episodes, Haven, Eureka, and Warehouse 13...

Being a Haven fan I was ready for this special, but sadly, I was disappointed. The episode did have plenty of holiday decorations, but no spirit. The idea of a trouble using a Christmas snow globe was a good one, but placing the time line in July with everyone in town ( but Audrey) believing that it is Christmas Eve. Towns people start disappearing, but no one remembers them, and soon there are only two left in Haven. Leaving Audrey (Emily Rose) to deal with the trouble alone. The story wraps up quickly, as the entire town is being transferred into a giant snow globe, and all is well with the world. So cynical Audrey decides to trough a Christmas party. But now everyone thinks she is the crazy one for having a Christmas party in July.

The Warehouse 13 Christmas special could not hold my attention with it's lame, over done plot. The big switch as I call it, where the characters roles are reversed to the point that everyone in their lives have no idea of who they are. This idea has been used far too many times and none have been successful since the original story "It's a Wonderful Life". No one has played the left-out lead as well as James Stewart, and they all need to quit trying, at least in a thirty-minute run time.

Now as for Eureka's Christmas tale, they kept the story uniquely Eureka infused with plenty of holiday spirit and magic. Or should I say science. They did a clever job of incorporating the shows style into holiday favorite styles, such as clay-mation. This was the one to watch last night, it was fun, entertaining, funny, and full of what makes us feel Christmasy. There is even an appearance by the fat, jolly, old guy himself... Well sort of. If you missed the show, search it out, you should enjoy it. And just for the record 2012 is going to be the last season for Eureka, so if you are a fan make sure you have your recorders ready if your are not going to be home, I'm sure they will go out in pure Eureka style.

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