RIP Sophia |
Before I get started on the season finale, first let us take a moment to remember those beloved group members that we have lost this season. The not so shocking, but heart-breaking end to Sophia. I wasn’t surprised that she had been turned, but to find out she had been on the farm the entire time… That through me for a loop. What was worse yet was watching Rick put her down in front of her tortured mother. You could feel the torrent of emotion as he took aim and finally pulled the trigger. Next we lost Dale. Good old Dale with his heart of gold and silver tongue. Who out there could not help but love him, he was everybody’s grandfather. The way he went out was horrific at least, torn open by a walker (a walker I might add that should have already been put down. Bad Carl!), left laying on the ground like the half eaten cow. I have to hand it to Daryl for stepping in and putting grandpa Dale out of his misery, not leaving it up to Rick again. Lastly we say our final goodbye to Shane. He may have been egotistical, a little damaged, and a hot head, but he was a good shot. I can’t say I am going to miss him, I guess you could say I’m on Team Rick all the way, but the show is going to be lacking that certain something without him around
RIP Dale |
RIP Shane |
Of course the finale takes up shortly after Carl puts zombie Shane down. He and Rick are starting to walk back to the house, Carl asking the tough question “What happen to Shane?”, and Rick stumbling around it. Rick of course is let off the hook (For awhile) when he notices that they are not alone in the field, not even close. Behind them is a heard of walkers, and I’m not talking a small heard like on the highway earlier in the season when Sofia ran off, I’m talking a true heard, hundreds of them, and they looked pretty hungry from their long trek.
The next thing you know walkers are everywhere. With no way to reach the house Rick and Carl take cover in the barn. By this time everyone has seen them coming, the walkers not Rick and Carl. Herschel decides to take a stand, stating: “This is my farm, and I will die here.” Following his lead, Daryl answers with: “You sure?”, he hops the porch rail and finishes off with: “It’s as good a day as any.” A perfect line for him. By this time Lori realizes that Carl is not in the house, and goes into a panic. The rest of the group arm-up and the battle for the farm begins. The first casualty is Jimmy. After the barn starts to burn (a fire set by Rick and Carl), Daryl instructs Jimmy to circle around the barn, that the fire might have been set by Rick or Shane. Smart man that Daryl. Of course Jimmy finds Rick and Carl on the roof, parks the RV so they can jump on top it, but is over run inside before they even get a chance to climb down, forcing Rick and Carl to run for the woods.
It does not take long to realize the farm is lost, and escape is the only choice. And why would it? I had not seen that many zombies on the show since Rick rode the horse into the city in season one. Lori leads Beth and Patricia from the house towards the cars with the help of Carol. Unfortunately they ran too late. Walkers were all around them and Patricia is taken right out of poor little Beth’s hand. Carol becomes separated from them about this time, and Andrea and T-Dog pull up in the truck. Andrea saves Carol after being pointed in the right direction by Lori, but a walkers gets a little too close, falling on top of her after it’s brains are blew out at point blank range. Think Andrea is gone, and Carol is no where to be seen, T-Dog takes off, with Lori and Beth in tow. Glenn and Maggie also decide that it is useless to continue the fight. They try to follow the others, but there are blocked by the heard. So they quickly turn around and drive off the farm the only way they could. Meanwhile Herschel is making his final stand, blasting walker after walker with his shotgun. Just when it looks like Herschel is to be zombie chow, Rick splatters it’s brains on the back of Herschel’s head. Rick pulled a reluctant Herschel to the last truck for their escape, once again Andrea is too late and goes unseen, and left behind. Daryl hears a scream for help and races his brother’s hog back toward the barn where he picks up Carol.
The group is scattered to the four winds, but eventually they all meet up on the highway where they had first broken down and lost Sophia. All that is except Andrea who was running for her life in the woods, and is saved by a hooded woman that is leading around two armless walkers on chains, like a pair of neutered pitbulls.
Rick tells Lori what happen in the field, she turns on him, he also tells the group that they are all infected, and that he was told this fact back at the CDC. He continues to let them know that from that point on there is no more democracy.
I personally can not wait until fall, to see where things go from here.