First I would like to apologize for my tardiness on this review, but my laptop took a crap on me.
So as for episode 10, for me it was a relief after Night Terrors. For the second time there was two Amy's in one episode, and that is always a plus. I love watching her confront herself, it's always entertaining. But I did feel for Rory in this one. Once again the Doctor is late getting to Amy, this time many years too late, leaving her fighting for her life alone for over thirty years. However they are able to find Amy from the proper time, but Rory is faced with choosi
ng which one to save. I wouldn't want that decision. Luckily with another lie from the Doctor, and some rapid soul searching by older/tougher Amy, the decision is made for Rory, and the old Amy is lost forever - well wiped from existence really. Amy may never know everything, but Rory will, and that would be hard to live with.

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