Johnny Morgan (Andrew Cymek) watched his sister be taken by serial killer "The Wolf" as a child. He spent his life searching for her killer. Now a cop, partnered with Elliot Carbon (John Rhys-Davies) they find and take down the Wolf. No easy task since he is clad in a metal-wolf suit. The Wolf is then sent to Parker's Asylum, run by Dr. Robert Parker (William B Davis), and where Johnny's wife Jamie (Brigitte Kingsley) is a doctor on staff. Johnny and his best friend Pete (Jason Reso), also a cop, head to Parker's Asylum to pay the Wolf an unofficial visit. While there a mysterious power outage causes the cell doors to unlock, and traps everyone inside as the lunatics run-a-muck.
Medium Raw is not the best horror film I've seen, it might not even be in the top
ten, but it is worth the rental fee to watch it once. The film is a little dark, and much of the acting is dry, but the kills are pretty good for the most part, and the cast of crazies are creepy at worst. The film does tend to drag things out to long at times, and the kill scenes tend to be a bit short. There is a twist ending, of which didn't surprise me, but that's me, and being a writer myself it is a little bit more difficult to fool me with a simple twist.
I give Medium Raw: Night of the Wolf 3 st
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