Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Doctor Who: The God Complex, episode 11

The God Complex was an interesting, and emotional episode. I loved the "Shinning" feel to this episode. There for a minute I thought Stephen King had joined the writing staff. It was a good mix of science fiction, horror, and drama, that kept me on the edge of my seat through the entire hour. All the strange things in the rooms, the way the hotel changed at will, held the viewer in an eerie nightmare world that was oddly familiar.
Each guest has a room, a place to face their own nightmare. Or reflection of their life. The Doctor finds his, and surprisingly it is room eleven. Odd, the eleventh incarnation, the eleventh episode, and he faces his fear in room eleven? No, typical is more like it.
Then when Amy comes under the influence and the Doctor puts his plan into action, it is simply heart wrenching. But the real tear jerker comes at the end, after they defeat the prison cell and return to Earth. The Doctor had set up a surprise for Rory and Amy, A home of their own, and a shiny red car (Rory's dream car). Rory is so excited that he doesn't even think of why, but Amy has an idea, and she is right. Just like on a game show, they are parting gifts. When Amy asked the Doctor why, he simply replies: "Because you are alive." I hate to see Rory and Amy go by the way-side, I can't wait to see who is next. And besides, I don't think we have seen the last of Amy and Rory. From what I have heard through the grape vine they are on the guest list for River's Wedding.

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