The Doctor makes a house call. Yep a house call, or should I say an apartment call. He receives a cry for help from a young boy on Earth, and with out hesitation put the TARDIS on course. The Boy, poor little George has monsters in his bedroom cupboard. Or is it George that's the monster? As the Doctor tries to figure things out, Rory and Amy take a wild elevator ride to the other side of reality, where after running for their lives Amy is turned into a living doll made of wood. Soon the doctor realizes what he has been missing, and we learn that George isn't a monster, nor is he a little boy, well not a human boy anyway. George is a lost, terrified, and lonely alien child, wanting nothing more than to be loved. When his unknowingly adopted father shows the boy that he loves him, and always
will, the alternate world he had created out of fear dissolves, restoring everyone within it to their proper state.
Not one of the best episodes I have seen, and a let down after "Lets Kill Hitler", but at least the moral is clear... Love conquers all, even in the Doctor's universe.
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