After Gwen beats the crap out of him with a pot for touching her daughter, he tells them he wants to trade information. What he said is enough for Gwen to call Jack, and soon he arrives. Of course as they work things out the police burst in the door once again, only this time they find her father, and take him away to the overflow camp.
After piecing the information from Oswald and the news reels of the stories that he mentioned, all fixed by Jillie, they believe that the Blessing is somewhere in Shanghai, China. But a little more info comes through, and they are forced to look at Buenos Aires, Argentina as well. But it is Gwen's husband, Reece, That puts two and two together. That they are not looking at one point, but two points that are one, Antipodes. It had been staring them in the face the entire time in the Phicorp logo. So the team splits up... Jack, Gwen, and yes Oswald head for China, while Ester and Rex meet in Buenos Aires. As the team heads out Gillie arives in China and is led to her destiny or fate which ever it may be. For the "Blessing" can kill as well as enlighten.
Jack isn't in Shanghai long before his gunshot starts bleeding again. A single drop of blood falls to the floor, unseen by Jack or Gwen, but it's actions draw Oswald's attention quickly. The blood, Jack's blood moves across the floor as if being pulled from a fixed point... The "Blessing" is calling to Jack, or at least his blood.
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