Friday, September 23, 2011

Vampire Diaries season 3 ep 2

Okay... What was Elena thinking? Who in their right mind would go into the mountains two hours before sunset, on the night of a full moon, hunting down a pack of werewolves? An idiot that's who... As I watched her and her band head up the hill side through the trees I just kept thinking "it's dumb, dumber, and dumbest."
At least we did learn that Klaus can't make his arm of hybrids, at least not yet. That was a good thing, but I have an idea when he realizes Elena is still alive he is going to put two and two together and it is going to equal Elena must die, for real this time. That should bring "The Ripper" back on the wagon again, and back at his brother's side where he belongs.
I will have more on episode 2 a little later, but that is it for now. This will be my last post until October, we are moving this weekend, and my IP company (Time Warner) doesn't have an opening for service until the first. Sucks for sure, last time it was 2 weeks, and turned into 3 weeks before we got our service. It better not happen again, you will know if it does...

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