Doctor Who season 6 started out by taking us to the Utah desert in the good ol' USA. Amy, Rory, and River Song each receive a mysterious invitation from the Doctor. Why? As
we quickly found out, to witness his death. The Doctor is zapped and killed before he can regenerate by someone or something in an old NASA spacesuit. The Doctor had also sent an invite to himself, a younger self that is. Oh yeah... and Amy is pregnant. After the younger Doctor arrives the four travel back to 1969 to stop an alien uprising with the help of a former FBI agent, Canton Delaware III. The fight begins against an enemy that no one can remember. The spaceman reappears, and when the helmet visor opens, we learn that it is a little girl inside. Amy shoots before the Doctor can stop her, using Canton's gun.

Episode 2 picks up with the Doctor locked away in the perfect prison (well it will be when finished) while Amy, Rory, and River Song are being hunted by the FBI and Canton Delaware III. One by one each of them is taken down and brought back to the Doctor, except River, whom jumps from atop a building. In the end the aliens are defeated by a hidden message broadcast through the media feed from the first moon walk, and the little girl is released from the spacesuit. Episode 2 ends in a New York City alleyway, 6 months later. A homeless man sees a little girl stumbling through the alley, clearly sick and dying. The little girl tells the man that she can fix that. She raises her arms out to her sides, concentrates, and starts to regenerate.
Oh and one other thing that we should remember... River kisses the Doctor, supposedly for the first and last time.
Episode 3 takes u
s off to the Atlantic Ocean aboard a 17th century pirate ship. A mysterious sea creature (a Siren) is stalking the crew. Once the black spot appears on a persons skin, they are doomed. Of course Rory gets the spot, it's always poor Rory. It is soon realized that beautiful yet deadly siren is actually a medical hologram from a future spaceship, and trying to save lives not destroy them. The remaining pirate crew take control of the space vessel, stuck there to stay alive, and head out for adventures that they can not comprehend.

In episode 4 a distress signal from... wait for it... a TimeLord, takes the Doctor to a junkyard planet in a bubble universe. It's a trap of course. When the inhabitants steal the soul of the TARDIS, yes the TARDIS is alive, and implant it inside their daughter, the Doctor has to work fast. However the TARDIS is much too powerful for a living body, and ends up back inside the police box, but not before expressing its true feelings for the Doctor.
Episode 5 takes us off to the world of dopplegangers. "Gangers" are used as manual labor, doing the jobs people don't want to do, or can't do. A solar tsunami frees the gangers, which not only gives them the peoples physical form, but their memories, emotions, and desires too. Soon the gangers rebel, wanting nothing more than to live their lives. As the episode reaches its end the Doctor's ganger steps from the shadows. The story finishes off in episode 6, as the humans fight the gangers for survival. The story finishes off with the Doctor's ganger sacrificing itself to save everyone. The surviving gangers are dropped off to make the company understand what's been happening to the gangers, and to stop it. As they watch, Amy clutches her stomach in pain. Once back inside the TARDIS the Doctor explains that Amy is going into labor. The Doctor, after a confusing explanation, addresses Amy, saying that they'll come for her, and rescue her no matter what it takes. When Amy says that she's already there, the Doctor says that she isn't, and hasn't been for a long time. He activates his sonic screwdriver and Amy melts into a pool of liquid flesh. Amy then wakes up on an operating table. A woman wearing an eyepatch opens a slot in the wall, and tells Amy it's time for her to give birth. She tells her to push, and Amy screams in pain and terror.
Episode 7, the mid season finally. The Doctor declares war on those that have kidnapped Amy. He assembles an army of allies to recover her. River realizes that the Doctor
's darkest hour has come, and she must reveal her greatest secret. Eyepatch lady, Madame Kovarian takes the baby from Amy, places it in a pod, and Amy tells her child that her father, the Last Centurian, will find them. At that same time the Cybermen detect an intruder on their ship. The intruder turns out to be Rory. He tells the Cyberleader that he has a message from the Doctor, and a question of his own to ask. He knows that the Cybermen scan the entire system. Rory demands the location of his wife and daughter. When the Cyberleader ask what the Doctor's message is, Rory stands by the viewing port. Outside the entire 12th fleet of the Cybermen is destroyed. He then asks if the Cyberleader would like him to repeat the question. Soon the Battle of Demons Run begins. At the battles end, Kovarian has run off with Melody, Amy and Rory's daughter, and River Song finally arrives. When she is confronted by the Doctor for being late, she tells him that she couldn't have stopped what happen, and that it's the Doctor's fault. Finally having enough of River's banter, the Doctor demands to know who she is. River puts her hands on the baby cot and tells him to read the symbols. The Doctor looks at her, surprised, and introduces himself to her as if meeting for the first time. The Doctor asks River to get everyone home then leaves in the TARDIS before Amy and Rory can enter. After a brief confrontation with Amy, River tells them that everything is fine, and that the TARDIS translation matrix can sometimes take awhile. She tells Amy to concentrate, but not on the cot's symbols, but on the prayer leaf Lorna had stitched for the baby. River explains that in the language of the Gamma Forest People, there is no word for "Pond". The only water in the forest is a river. As the couple concentrates, the words "Pond Melody" translates for them into "River Song". River informs them that she is Melody - their daughter.

Make sure to catch episode 8 "Let's Kill Hitler" this Saturday.
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