Thursday, December 29, 2011
2011 TV Top Ten
10) Being Human (US)
09) Sanctuary
08) Haven
07) Being Human (UK)
06) American Horror Story
05) Hawaii 5 0
04) Terra Nova
03) The Vampire Diaries
02) The Walking Dead
And at last my pick for the best TV series for 2011 is none other then the longest running show in history, the one, the only, the best entertainment you can find on the small screen......
01) Doctor Who
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Fright Night 2011
I personally am a fan of the original 1985 film, and hoped that the 2011 remake would do it justice... and guess what? I did, at least in my opinion. It is the perfect mix of thrills and giggles, and maybe even better then the original. But to be totally honest with you there really is no comparing the two. The films only share a few things and those being their title, character names, and main plot. Other then that they are two different movies, so much so that I have a difficult time calling the 2011 flick a remake. Maybe a retooling would be a better term. Let me put it this way, the 2011 "Fright Night" has more fangs.

I am only going to give one spoiler for those of you that have not yet seen the film, and that is to watch for Chris Sarandon (the original Jerry Dandrige), who makes a cameo in the film and becomes a quick snack for Ferrell.
The box office for the film was surprisingly low, coming in at a little over $37 million, on a $30 million budget. But don't let that fool you, "Fright Night" 2011 is well worth your time to watch. It is pure entertainment at it's best. I know for one that I will be watching it again and again, and again.
I have no choice but to give Fright Night 2011 a grand total of 5 stars.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
SyFy does Christmas
Being a Haven fan I was ready for this special, but sadly, I was disappointed. The episode did have plenty of holiday decorations, but no spirit. The idea of a trouble using a Christmas snow globe was a good one, but placing the time line in July with everyone in town ( but Audrey) believing that it is Christmas Eve. Towns people start disappearing, but no one remembers them, and soon there are only two left in Haven. Leaving Audrey (Emily Rose) to deal with the trouble alone. The story wraps up quickly, as the entire town is being transferred into a giant snow globe, and all is well with the world. So cynical Audrey decides to trough a Christmas party. But now everyone thinks she is the crazy one for having a Christmas party in July.

Now as for Eureka's Christmas tale, they kept the story uniquely Eureka infused with plenty of holiday spirit and magic. Or should I say science. They did a clever job of incorporating the shows style into holiday favorite styles, such as clay-mation. This was the one to watch last night, it was fun, entertaining, funny, and full of what makes us feel Christmasy. There is even an appearance by the fat, jolly, old guy himself... Well sort of. If you missed the show, search it out, you should enjoy it. And just for the record 2012 is going to be the last season for Eureka, so if you are a fan make sure you have your recorders ready if your are not going to be home, I'm sure they will go out in pure Eureka style.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I'm not going to give any spoilers, everything ties together far too well, and I don't want to ruin the film for those that have not yet seen it. So on that note, if you are one of the unlucky and have not seen "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"... I say run, don't walk, or even jog out to the store of your choice on December 13, 2011 and buy your copy. You can rent it if you want, but you will most likely end up purchasing it anyway, so why waste the extra cash.
I am going to end this post by saying that Rupert Wyatt did a wonderful job directing the film, and Andrew Lesnie hit the nail on the head when it came to the cinematography. I also want to give Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver big pats on the backs for their writing expertise. I for one (and I know many others) am going to be waiting on pins and needles for the next installment of the new and improved Planet of the Apes franchise. So with out any doubt I have to give "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" a solid and well deserved 5 stars.
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Walking Dead Mid Season Recap
Rick arrives at Hershel's farm with Carl in his arms. Hershel acts quickly and with little question. He needs to operate but doesn't have the equipment needed to put the boy under. Shane volunteers to head to the school where a FEMA station had been. The problem is that it is over run by walkers. Otis feeling guilty for shooting the boy, and being a former EMT also volunteers and he and Shane are off. Rick must stay behind to give blood to his son. Hershel's daughter (Maggie) decides to ride over and tell the boy's mother what has happen and bring her back to the farm.
Lori wastes no time with questions and rides off with Maggie, despite Daryl's apprehensions. That night Daryl can't sleep, so he and Andrea take a walk around to look for Sophia. What they find is a campsite with a zombie hanging in a tree. Andrea wants Daryl to kill it, but he says: "Why? It ain't hurting anything." She then makes a deal with him after he asks her what is going on with her, an arrow for an answer. Her answer is a bit vague, but at least we learn that she isn't going to off herself at the first chance. Daryl puts an arrow in it's head anyway. Shane and Otis get caught up at the school, surrounded in the gym, Otis comes up with a plan. He will lead them off, down into the locker room, giving Shane time to climb the bleachers and get out the window. Shane seems to be not sure of the plan, worried that Otis will be heading for a dead end, but Otis assures him that it isn't and that the windows down there are more his size. Otis runs, Shane goes out the window, hurting his ankle in the process. Otis catches up to him outside and the two run side by side with a hoard of walkers close on their heels. When there ammo gets low, Shane puts his last bullet into Otis' leg, leaving him for zombie bait as he runs for the truck. When Shane returns to the farm he only tells them that Otis died a hero. Hershel and Patricia perform the operation, and after he and Rick tell her the fate of her beloved husband.
The following morning the remaining members of the group arrive at the farm. Maggie and Glenn go into town for medical supplies, and end up doing the horizontal mambo on the pharmacy counter.
The search for Sophia goes on, and Daryl takes a horse from the farm and rides up river. The horse spooks shortly after he finds Sophia's doll in the river. He tumbles down a small cliff into the river, landing hard, and with his last arrow through his side. He ties off the arrow with his shirt and climbs back up, only to fall just before reaching the top. He long lost brother appears, riding him hard, pushing him to get up and do what he needs to do in typical Merle style. Daryl's head finally clears only to find Merle gone and a walker chewing on his boot, and another closing in. He bashes the knoller's head in with a rock, pulls the arrow from his side, loads it, taking the remaining walker out with a close range head shot, then back up the side he goes. Merle comes back for more slanderous pep talks, and is gone again once Daryl reaches the top. Daryl makes it back to the farm, look worse for ware, covered in blood and wearing his zombie-ear-necklace that he devised from his kills at the river, only to be shot in the head by Andrea after she mistook him for a walker.
Some where in there the group finds a zombie down inside one of the drinking water wells. The decide to drag it out rather than killing it and contaminating the water. Glen goes down with a rope, nearly gets dropped, but manages to snare it anyway. The zombie gets stuck at the top, and rips in half. The bottom part falling back into the well, the top on the ground and hungry. Of course they smash it's head in, and Maggie doesn't like that too well.
Shane gives everyone shooting lessons, and Andrea is his top student. They go up to a suburb where they believe Sophia might have went. Andrea is a perfect shot as long as the target isn't moving, but when they are quickly surrounded by walkers, Shane clears the car, and her gun jams. They are closing in, and Shane forces her to get the job done, and she does. On the way back to the farm Andrea gets frisky, and they krissen Shane's new ride in the middle of the road.
After a dinner prepared by Lori and Carol, Glenn goes out to the barn to meet up with Maggie for another round of loving. He had slipped her a note as to where to meet, and when she finally reads it, she freaks out, and runs out to stop him. But it's to late, he has already climbed up inside the loft, and ready for more hot sex, until he realizes the barn is full of zombies.
Oh and before I forget Lori is pregnant too, and only Glenn knows, which he ends up telling Dale, along with the fact that Hershel has a barn full of walkers. Soon Glenn is back on his way into town, a special mission for Lori. Maggie of course rides along. But this time it's not sex she gets, but attacked by a walker. Glenn plays the bad ass and takes the things head nearly off with a shelf, then finishes the job with his axe. The worst part of the trip is that Lori had sent them for the day after pills, which she takes and then quick throws up. Rick finds the empty cartons and confronts her. This is also the moment he learns about Lori and Shane. He takes it well, all most to well.
Of course Shane too learns about the baby soon after, and Glenn spills the beans about the barn. Shane flips out. They all do, but Rick calms things a bit, giving him time to talk to Hershel. Needless to say the talk does not go well. Hershel is stuck in his belief that they are just sick and can be cured. Later Hershel comes to Rick for help, help that turns out to be retrieving a pair of walkers from the swamp. Which used to be Otis' job. Meanwhile Shane arms the group once again, fighting to take control over the group from Rick. Just then they see Rick and Hershel bringing the two walkers to the barn with pole snares. Again Shane flips, charges down to them with everyone behind him. He goes into a rant and to prove his point to Hershel that the walkers are not people anymore, he shoots the one Hershel is leading, showing that no person could survive such a wound. Then of course finishes it off with a shot to the head, taking Hershel to the ground with the walker. Shane to further his point breaks the lock off the barn and opens the door, freeing the zombies inside, which includes Hershel's wife and step-son.
The group starts cutting them down one by one as they exit the barn. Glenn not sure what to do, looks to Maggie. She gives him a nod, and he joins the shooting gallery. The bodies pile up quickly, and then one final walker steps out of the barn. A small child, a girl, her hands over her face blocking the bright sunlight. When she lowers her arms, and focuses on the group we see clearly that it is Sophia. Carol screaming and crying, while the others stand frozen, including Shane. Rick is the only one that steps forward to do what needs to be done. With tears in his eyes, and guilt set in his heart, he pulls the trigger, sending Sophia to the ground.
There of course was plenty of other things that happened through the first half of the season, such as the confrontations between Shane and Dale. First being over Otis, and when Shane took aim on Rick back in season one. And then again when Dale took all the guns and tried to hide them in the swamp. Shane had tracked him down, and pushed Dale to take aim on Shane. Dale of course backed down, but I don't think this is near being over between the two of them. Then there was when Shane confronted Lori about the baby, where she told him that even if it is his, Rick is the father. As far as I am concerned Shane has gone way over the edge, and everyone had better watch there backs from now on. He ever got into it with Daryl at the barn before releasing the walkers. Definitely not a smart move on Shane's part, but a fight I would like to see play out.
Well I guess that is it until February... see all you dead fans then.
Rest in peace Sophia, we will all miss you.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Walking Dead mid season finally
Friday, November 25, 2011
Underworld: Awakening

Selene escapes imprisonment to find herself in a new world, a world where humans know that both vampire and werewolves exist, and have declared all out war to eradicate both immortal species.
Underwold: Awakening brings on a new cast staring Sandrine Holt, Michael Ealy, and India Eisley. And if you were wondering if Michael Corvin is going to be at Selene's side... well he's not.
Check out this little taste, it's sure to make you hungry for more.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Grimm, Another Supernatural TV Thriller
If you haven't already figured it out, the show is a dark cop drama where characters inspired by Grimm's Fairy Tales exist.
The show is set in present day Portland, Oregon. It follows homicide detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) that discovers he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as Grimms. The Grimms fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
"Grimm" is definitely worth a look. It has plenty of drama, and action to keep you coming back every week. The special effects are pretty good too. I'll be watching.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Doctor Who Movie?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Walking Dead "Chupaccabra"

And for those still wondering about Merle Dixon. No he was not there. He was a manifestation of Daryl's mind, a survival trigger that was needed for him to toughen up and do what he had to do.
Now lastly. What is up with the barn full of zombies, and what is Glenn going to do about it? Some of you out there might already know from the graphic novel, but I for one have not read them, and for the rest of us like me, I guess we will have to wait until next week to find out. But for now I would like to know what you think he should do? What would you do, if you were in Glenn's shoes? Used the comments to give me your answers. I can't wait to see your ideas.
There is however one thing that I am sure of about episode 5, and that is that Daryl has to be glad that Shane is a bad instructor, or that Andrea is a poor student. Either way Daryl is one lucky man.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Walking Dead Season 2 Update

Sunday, October 30, 2011
The Walking Dead Season 2
The second season of the Walking Dead is well under way, and looks to be even better then last season. The writing is exceptional as always, and the acting mirrors the writing. It still likes to keep us in suspense at the end of each episode. Sophia lost in the woods, alone, with walkers on the prowl. The group searches, no luck, but Rick, Shane, and Carl stay back, as the others go back to the highway. Everything seems like a wonderful story book adventure when a deer steps out from the brush, and Carl approaches it. The deer remains calm, allows him to near. Closer, closer the boy inches his way to the deer. Then just when you think he is going to be able to reach out and touch the deer, a bullet bursts through the deer's chest, and drives little Carl to the ground with a bleeding hole in his chest. The hunter stumbles out of the brush, shouting to take the boy to the farm. He spits out directions, Rick scoops his son's limp body into his arms, and runs... end episode. Now the boy lays dieing, fragments of the bullet in his chest, to deep for the vet to remove without putting the boy under, but they don't have the equipment. But, what they need is at the school. The problem? The school is invested with zombies. Shane volunteers to go to the school with the hunter, while Rick and Lori stay with their son. Rick can not go far, he needs to give blood to keep Carl alive.

Now we wait for tonight's episode. I for one am nearly chewing my nails.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
One good thing about 'Bloody Beginnings' is that like all of the 'Wrong Turn' flicks, it is a stand alone movie. You don't have to have seen the first three to understand, or enjoy the film, and you will enjoy it. I'm not going to give any spoilers on this one, you will have to see it for yourself. But I will say there are some truly sick scenes, and the ending was a bit of a surprise.
'Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings' is well worth the rental fee, and if you already own the first three movies you might as well buy it... you know you will anyway. It might not be as good as the first film, but it was better then the last one. And with nine possible victims trapped in a snow storm, you know the blood is going to spill, and the brothers will be eating well...
4 stars from me.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Doctor Who News Oct. 16 2011
Doctor Who lost the Best TV Show to Game of Thrones, and Karen Gillan lost out to Milla Jehovah (Resident Evil: Afterlife) for Best Science Fiction Actress.
In further Doctor Who related news… I have to admit that I am behind once again. The final series of The Sarah Jane Adventures (series 5) started on October 3rd. The six episodes making up the fifth series were all filmed before the sad death of much-loved actress Elisabeth Sladen earlier this year. The series stars Elisabeth Sladen, Tommy Knight, Daniel Anthony, Anjli Mohindra, and Sinead Michael. I will do my best to get caught up on the series, and get some reviews up.
Now for the best news… Filming of the Doctor Who Christmas special is nearing its end, and if my sources are correct, will be airing in 69 days. Matt Smith will be joined by Claire Skinner, Bill Bailey, Arabella Weir, and Alexander Armstrong in what is being called an emotional festive special, packed full of Christmas thrills and chills.
The special is set during World War II… Madge Arwell and her two children are evacuated to an old house in Dorset, where the caretaker is a mysterious young man in a bow tie, and a big blue parcel is waiting for them under the tree. They are about to enter a magical new world, and learn that a Time Lord never forgets his depts.
I for one am counting down the days already…
Return of the Walking Dead
Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 5
Episode 5 got pretty dark, taking us deeper into the depths of the ancient curse. Klaus and company return to town, taking over the school after realizing that Stefan had been hiding the fact that Elena is still alive. Bonnie also comes home, just in time for her and Matt to walk into Klaus’ trap. He needs her to find a way around the curse so he can create more hybrids. To make sure Bonnie does as he wants, Klaus turns Tyler, giving her 20 minutes to find the answer, or Tyler dies. The problem is that Bon

Problem number two, Katherine has kidnapped Jeremy for the same purpose, but with the defeat of Klaus as the goal. With a little persuasion from Damon, the ghost of Anna tells them of the one man Klaus fears… Michael, a vampire hunter that is himself a vampire.
Back at the school, unable to find Jeremy, Matt comes up with his own plan. With a weight chained to his waist, Matt jumps into the school pool, hoping that Bonnie’s CPR training is up for the task. The clock is ticking down, but not only Tyler’s life is at stake. Klaus forced Stefan to switch off his emotions, severing the only tie he still had with Elena, and when the clock reaches zero, Stefan is to feed on Elena. When zero minute comes, Matt is told by his sister that the old witch said the ganger must die. Bonnie tells Klaus, just as Stefan takes Elena as his snack.
Damon makes it back to find Klaus outside the hospital, where Elena is donating blood to the hybrid cause. Klaus was no idiot, he knew the witch hated him, and instead of killing Elena, he fed her blood to Tyler… Surprise, the transformation was successful. Damon once again confronts Klaus, and just as Klaus is about to send Damon packing from this world for the last time, Damon tells him about Michael. Klaus is gone in a blink. Damon retrieves Elena from the hospital, bringing her home. As things are getting cozy between them Stefan enters the room. Yep… Elena is once again under Stefan’s protection, only now it isn’t for love, but orders from Klaus.
The episode ends with Katherine waking Michael from where he had been entombed by a witch. Oh, did I forget to mention that Rebekah is intensely jealous of Elena, and more than willing to rip her throat out without pause.
The flow of this season seems much more intense then the last, darker, deadlier, and the cast is making the transition very well.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 3
Episode 3 takes us deeper into Stefan’s evil past. While Elena and Damon track Klaus and Stephen to Chicago, with a little help from Katherine, we learn that Klaus was not the first original vampire Stefan has known. The first was Rebecca, Klaus’ little sister. Not only did Stefan know her but was in love with her, and even more surprising was

Elena finally gets her face-to-face with Stefan, but she doesn’t like the results. He lets her know that in no way or form will things be the same again, and to just let him go. Of course that is before he is reunited with Rebecca. This is proving to be the best season of Vamp Diaries yet, with more twists to come I am sure.
I'm Back!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Vampire Diaries season 3 ep 2
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Doctor Who: The God Complex, episode 11
Monday, September 19, 2011
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Doctor Who: The Girl Who Waited

Saturday, September 10, 2011
Torchwood Miracle Day Episode 10

Jack, Gwen, Oswald, Rex, and Ester zeroed in on the 'Blessing'. The CIA headquarters gets blown up, and Jack's blood can reverse the blessing, but it has to be introduced into the blessing from both sides at the same time. No problem if Jack's blood that Rex and Ester had been caring around wouldn't have been blown up too. But Rex and Ester are the clever little duo, they transfused Jack's blood into Rex. Of course Ester gets shot in hopes they will not stop the blessing to keep her alive, but Gwen makes a rather moving speech, and Jack and Rex sacrifice themselves to bring mortality back to Earth. Guess what? They both live, and Oswald plays the hero and blows himself up along with one of the heads of the three families. Rex takes out another before collapsing. Unfortunately Gwen's father dies, and so does Ester. Yes, just as Gwen so elegantly said: "Death has come back."
After Ester's funeral the team talk about if they are going to keep Torchwood together, but before the question is answered Rex receives a text revealing the identity of the mole. When he tries to stop her, she shoots Rex in the chest, and then is shot down herself. Jack and Gwen comfort Rex as he dies in their arms, but just as Jack says that he is gone, Rex takes in a deep breath (much like Jack). Yep, that's right. Looks like Jack isn't the only immortal on Earth any more. The show ends with Rex say to Jack: "What did you do to me?"
Well Torchwood fans looks like we might have another season yet.
Walled In

The story follows Sam Walczak (Mischa Barton), a recent engineering graduate, and daughter to a demolitions company owner. For her graduation Sam's father gives her the gift of a job, supervising the demolition of the Malestrazza Building, which by the way is in the middle of nowhere. The building, unknown by Sam, has a horrific past stemming from it's architect, Malestrazza, who had buried people inside the concrete walls of the building several years before.
Walled In is a true psychological horror film, with an exceptional cast that is sure to send chills down your spine and keep you wondering what's inside your walls.
The film also stars Deborah Unger as Mary, the caretaker of the building, and Cameron Bright as Mary's slightly odd teenage son Jimmy. Both Unger and Bright give wonderful and believable performances, as does Barton. If you are into slasher films with plenty of gore and teenage boobies flashing across the screen, then Walled In may not be for you, but if you like a honest to god good thriller with a solid story and plenty of character, you won't want to miss Walled In.
I Give Walled In 4 3/4 stars.
Queens of Scream
Scream Queen is a term that was specifically referring to an attractive young damsel in distress in horror films, but it is more than that now. Since Fay Wray was crowned the first "scream

Some of the more notable "scream queens" today are: Sheri Moon Zombie, Jaime Alexander, Andrea Bogart, Crystal Lowe, Mercedes McNab, Tiffany Shepis, and Cerina Vincent. The reining Queen of Scream according to the NY Daily News is none other than Danielle Harris.
But lets not forget those lovely ladies from TV, like Nina Dobrev, Sarah Wayne Callies, Emily Rose, and Anna Paquin.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Road Kill

The cast does a superb job with an excellent script. Almost too well, you can nearly feel their anxiety and terror, as the mysteries of the road train come to light, and the teens fall deeper into darkness. Road Kill will keep you on the edge - waiting to see who dies next, and what kind of Hell is hidden behind the train's doors. The gore and effects are as real feeling as the characters, so be prepared for a wild and chilling ride through the Australian outback with Road Kill.
Staring: Xavier Samuel, Bob Morley, Georgina Haig, Sophie Lowe, and David Argue.
Road Kill gets 4 1/2 stars from me.
The Land That Time Forgot 2009

The film takes place in the present, with two couples out on the Caribbean in a charter boat, passing through a bizarre storm. When they emerge on the other side the sun is shining, everyone is sleeping, and there is an unknown island off their bow. Once going ashore it doesn't take long for the small group to realize that it's no normal island, and danger is in the much too clean air.
The effects are not the greatest, it's no Jurassic Park, But what can you expect with only a $600,000 budget. However, the film has it's charm, and the Dinos don't look that bad either. The story is clean, and the acting is stellar, with wonderful performances by C. Thomas Howell, Timothy Bottoms, Darren Dalton, and Lindsey McKeon. The movie may not be one that you want to watch over and over, but it is worth the rental fee to watch once.
I give The Land that Time Forgot 3 1/2 stars... with a larger budget and better dino effects this film would easily be a 4 or 41/2 pushing toward a 5.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mirrors 2

Mirrors 2 was a 2010 straight-to-DVD release, and boy did Regency Enterprises miss out on this one. Of all the film not to chance at the Box Office, Mirrors 2 wasn't the one. I really liked the first film with Kiefer Sutherland. Regency Enterprises made out well with Mirrors, with a Box Office total of over $77 million off a $35 million budget. But they didn't have faith in the sequel, which in my opinion is an even better film, and a solid stand alone movie as well. Even if you haven't seen Mirrors, part 2 is viewable and easily enjoyed.
No spoilers in this, sorry... But here's a quick overview.
Nick Stahl is Max Matheson, the unstable son of Jack Matheson (William Katt) the new owner of the Mayflower. Max is finally starting to deal with the tragic death of his fiancee (Jennifer Sipes) a year earlier, and goes to work for his father as the night guard at the Mayflower, after the former guard decided to have glass for lunch. It's not long before Max starts seeing strange things inside the mirrors, and the Mayflower executives start viciously dying off one by one. When Max finally realizes that the entity inside the mirrors is actually Eleanor Reigns (Stephanie Sanchez), a Mayflower employee that has been missing for two months, he enlists the aid of Eleanor's older sister, Elizabeth (Emmanuelle Vaugier).
There is plenty of mystery to go hand in hand with the gore in Mirrors 2. The story is solid and the plot never drifts off course, couple that with wonderful performances by Nick Stahl, Emmanuel Vaugier, and Stephanie Sanchez, and you have true entertainment that hooks minutes into the film and holds you right to the end.
I give Mirrors 2 a strong 4 1/2 stars
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Children of the Corn: Genesis

The film starts with a flash back, not from any of the previous films, but just a little back story for the film, had it stayed there it might have been better, but no we had to jump back to present. So then the main story line starts off with a couple stranded on the side of a desert road. Yep... desert. Tim (Tim Rock) and Allie (Kelen Coleman) start walking to find a phone. Soon enough they come across a old run-down home, with the windows boarded over. The occupant of which (Billy Drago), who looks like a Manson-family reject, tells them he has no phone, but Allie calls him on the lie - noticing the phone line going into the house. Okay, really? The line doesn't mean there's a phone, just means there might have been one at some time, right.
The man finally allows them in, but only after learning that Allie is pregnant. The rest of the film takes place in and around the house, with strange actions, sounds, mental images, and a child locked away in a shed out back, makes up the majority of the film shocks. Yes there are a couple cool happenings toward the end, but so far off the norm for a Children of the Corn film. There is no hoard of children slicing the throats of everyone over the age of 18. There isn't even a corn field after the opening flash back, yet the crazy old man is making one of those corn husk dolls we are all so familiar with.
They tried to take the series in a new direction, and quite simply, it didn't work. All I have to say to Joel Soisson (writer/director) is... If it's not broke, don't fix it!
I can only give Children of the Corn: Genesis a 1 star rating from me, and that is for Billy Drago doing such a good job with so little to work with.
Medium Raw: Night of the Wolf

Medium Raw is not the best horror film I've seen, it might not even be in the top ten, but it is worth the rental fee to watch it once. The film is a little dark, and much of the acting is dry, but the kills are pretty good for the most part, and the cast of crazies are creepy at worst. The film does tend to drag things out to long at times, and the kill scenes tend to be a bit short. There is a twist ending, of which didn't surprise me, but that's me, and being a writer myself it is a little bit more difficult to fool me with a simple twist.